Thursday, February 5, 2015

Descriptive Essay

    Well what I did over the break was, sleep a lot and my brother came from Germany, and while he was here my oldest brother took us out to many different places. He took us out to go karting,restaurants, why? Because my brother lives in Germany, while he was over we celebrated Christmas. What we did for Christmas eve was go last minute Christmas shopping for the family, well me and my brother went shopping only.

   We went last minute shopping because my brother came the week of Christmas, it was pretty hard to tell you the truth, it was stressful because we did not know what to get everyone We had to get like 5 people gifts, probably more, and when we got to the mall we could not find parking, because it was pretty packed, why? Because a lot of people went last minute shopping. Even the lines were pretty long, but not as long as the lines during black Friday, there was 30 minute waits just to pay for your stuff.

   But over all everyone liked their Christmas gift, i liked my gift. But I had fun with the family I reunited with my cousins and I went out with 3 of them, we went a lot of places i have not seen them in like 3 years, and that's all I did, thank you for reading.


  1. your vacation sounded fun. Its cool that you got to spend time with your brother. Your essay is good it just has grammatical errors that need to be fixed

  2. Very good format. Interesting winter break it seems fun. Seeing your family after 3 years must have been very great.

  3. It sounds like you had a great vacation. But you have a little errors in your essay

  4. This format it can be improved but I did think this story was very interesting. He did the paragraph very nice

  5. Being with family is the most important things over the holidays. I felt really touched. Good job on describing what you did.
